Friday, September 26, 2008

LAB - GMO gel electrophoresis

In this lab we are simply running the gels to visualize the results of our GMO-testing PCRs. We prepared 2.5% agarose gels as opposed to the most common 1% gels, because the expected fragments are small and very close in size (CMV 35S: ~200 bp; NOS: ~220 bp). In cases like these a denser gel will increase the resolution of the gel by enhancing band separation and making sharper bands.

There were six samples in our gels

Lane 1: Certified non-GMO plant DNA - Plant primers
Lane 2: Certified non-GMO plant DNA - GMO primers
Lane 3: Corn or soy DNA - plant primers
Lane 4: Corn or soy DNA - GMO primers
Lane 5: Positive control DNA - plant primers
Lane 6: Positive control DNA - GMO primers
Lane 7: Ladder

NOTE: Do not worry about questions 2 and 3 on pages 43 and 44 of lab 6 (question 3 is not actually labeled, so skip to question 4).

Here are two of the gels showing the best results. If for some reason your gel didn't come out well, or your PCRs didn't work write that down in your results and use one of these images to compare with your results in the discussion section.

Gel in section 01

Gel in section 02


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