Monday, September 29, 2008

Literature review paper topics

I have met with most of you and assigned topics for the literature review papers. You are allowed to change topics at any point in time before submitting the first draft (Oct 20th). So far here are the teams and topics:

  • DNA fringerprinting disaster victims (Anessa and Chloé)
  • Pre-natal genetic manipulation (Amy and Ryan)
  • Recombinant DNA technologies in forensic sciences (Jonathan and Katie E.)
  • Edible vaccines (Eric and Josh H.)
  • Custom drugs (Amanda and Jackie T.)
  • Gene therapy (Kyle and Courtney)
  • Plant GMOs (Matt and Stuart)
  • Evolution of MRSA (CJ and Katie S.)
  • Plant disease resistance (Jackie C. and Josh J.)
  • The use of DNA in finding missing people (David and Mike)
  • The use of DNA in releasing innocent prisoners (John and Brandon)
  • Effects and detection of DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11.2 deletion syndrome)(Krystal and Phil)
Here are some of the other topics that most students came up with. Any team is free to pick any of the following topics if unsatisfied with the topic of choice. Again: as long as it is BEFORE submitting the fisrt draft.

  • Genetic predisposition to disease
  • The role of molecular biology in biofuels research
  • Pre-natal genetic screening
  • Drug resistance in crops
  • Disease diagnosis with molecular tools

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