Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Genome evolution

Fig 4-83 (Alberts et al.). Detection of multispecies conserved sequences

We covered pages 245-253 in the book, the final part of chapter 4, regarding how genomes evolve.

Reading for next week (Monday october 20th): Chapter 5, pages 263-281.

October 20th is close. You must turn in the first draft of the literature review papers...!

Quiz 8 Q&As:

1. What is a mitotic chromosome?
A chromosome in its condensed version, visible with a light microscope during mitosis

2. What is conserved synteny?
The fact that the same genes are found in the same order in the genomes of different species (usually related species)

3. Mention two of the three condensed chromosome regions important for chromosomal integrity and function during mitosis
Telomere, centromere, replication origin

4. What is a polytene chromosome?
Found in secretory cells of some fly larvae, are chromosomes that have replicated many times without separating, so they clump in thick groups. The genes do not slide, so when stained the bands corresponding to particular loci are highy visible

5. A nucleosome is composed by a complex of histones and what else?


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