Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lab 15 - More bioinformatics

Today we "played" with the DNA sequencing module of the Bio Rad Biotechnology Explorer series. We used the electropherograms we obtained from the sequencing facility (after sending our GAPC gene sequencing reactions from lab 09) and performed some basic tasks (despite the apparent complexity of the process): Analysis of sequences (quality of data), and blasting of the sequences obtained.


Lecture, chapters 20-25 - Molecular Techniques

Tuesday Nov 11 and Wednesday Nov 12 2009

We covered the highlights of chapters 20-25, on molecular techniques. We divided the topic into analyses of proteins and analyses of nucleic acid sequences.

We covered techniques from column chromatography and two-dimensional electrophoresis to Southern (and northern, western, and southwestern) blotting and DNA sequencing.
